The purpose of the Business Recovery Programme is to aid and support Business Owners who have experienced a significant adverse impact on their business. Significant is considered to be anything in excess of 20% loss in Revenue and/or a consequent effect on Profits and Cash Flow or any other criteria the Business owner considers relevant. The Programme is practical and pragmatic in its focus
and execution.
There is an initial detailed diagnostic questionnaire which has been developed specifically to quickly assess the current situation and provide an urgent plan to help the business recover in a structured and sustainable manner so that it returns to the required levels of profitability, cash flow and growth in the most effective manner.
The plan is set out in six stages, each addressed within an individual workshop.
Each Workshop will last between 90 and 120 minutes. The principal objective is to ensure that the Business Owners and Managers are focused on doing the right things in the right way at the earliest possible opportunity. Each area is critically assessed with a rigorous action plan developed for implementation. Where necessary, help and support is provided to develop or customise the processes, tools and templates required to expedite matters.
Where the Business Owner has already assessed their own Business and determined the critical issue(s) for which they need support, then the resources will be applied to deal with the challenge. The primary focus will always be to address the key challenge that is going to make the most significant difference to the business.